INTRODUCTION-Are you that kid who always tried to buy
classmate notebooks just to solve the Maze Game which was given the last page of that notebook?
And as we know that now classmate has discontinued printing that
game, so have you ever thought that you can build your own Maze? If yes ,then let's dive in
nostalgia with Team Vibhav and learn how to build your own Maze in VR.
Virtual Reality (VR) is
the use of Computer Technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user
interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of
them, users are immersed and able to interact
with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even
smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits
to near-real VR experiences are the availability
of content and cheap computing power. The primary subject of Virtual Reality is simulating the
vision. Every headset aims to perfect their approach to creating an immersive 3D environment.
Each VR headset puts up a screen (or two
– one for each eye) in front of eyes thus, eliminating any interaction with the real world.
Full project link with code